Energy Technologies on the Market
This section will review a wide-range of technologies on the market. Readers will likely be familiar with the more common technologies (e.g. Solar PV) but may not be familiar with technologies that are emerging on the market. This section seeks to level set readers with an awareness of the scope of technologies on the market.
Energy Reduction Technologies
Make you building more thermally efficient
Reduce electricity for lighting
Heat Recovery Ventilators
Recycle the heat/cool as you exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air
Reduce electricity require for pumps and motors
Make you windows more thermally efficienct
Electricity Production Technologies
Generate electricity from the sun
Generate electricity with a prime mover (engine)
Generate electricity from the motion of waves and tides​
Generate electricity from the wind
Generate electricity from waste heat
Generate heat and power from hydrogen or a methane stream
Generate electricity and heat with a prime mover (engine)
Generate heat and power from bio-waste
Thermal Production Technologies
Simplest form of heat generation
Generate heat from the sun
Generate heat from a metal cladding on the building
Generate high temperature heat from the sun using mirrors, collectors
Generate heat efficiently by leveraging an external heat source
Energy Storage Technologies
Various technologies for storing electricity
Various technologies for storing thermal energy
EV Chargers
Understanding the impact of EV chargers on you facility