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Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategy

The political reality for most countries is oriented toward energy and carbon reduction to address environmental challenges. While industry underpins the economy, it also has a significant influence on the environment that runs counter to our political and environmental commitments. The ‘Actualizing NetZero’ program addresses the needs of industry to play a significant role in attaining our climate change initiatives.

Whether driven by social pressures, or by a need to manage expected increases in energy costs, most organizations are now paying much more attention to their energy consumption and emissions. We expect that the cost for electricity will increase substantially in the decades to come as the grids decarbonize. While affordability is the biggest concern, cost certainty is a key concern for facility operators.

Facility operators are challenged with competing objectives including
● Energy cost and cost certainty
● Energy security
● Emissions reduction and brand management
● Energy systems modernization and deferred maintenance
● Understanding the technology landscape – Just where do I start?
● Developing an Energy and Carbon Strategy
● Financing projects - Translating the technical plans to “CFO Speak”
● Case Studies: What can we learn from others?

The ‘Actualizing NetZero’ program addresses the global movement toward a more energy sustainable future, and helps businesses develop ways to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, reduce emissions, and provide energy security for industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities.

The first step in achieving these goals addressed in this ‘Actualizing NetZero Program’ is through an investment grade energy strategy. We will explore what an investment grade energy strategy entails, its key components and the benefits it offers.

Our experience in multiple industries has revealed that the development of these Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategies (IGS) has accelerated the investment into energy solutions. In every case, the IGS resulted in a successful project implementation.

The key reason for the success of the IGS is that we translate “techy-speak” into “CFO-speak” by providing analyses and graphics that clarify the value of investment decisions.


The Actualizing NetZero program develops the processes, governance and tools required to develop a strategy for energy and carbon emissions.

The first step in achieving these goals is through an investment grade energy strategy. In this program, we explore what an investment grade energy strategy entails, its key components and the benefits it offers.

An investment grade energy strategy (IGS) is a comprehensive assessment of a facility's energy usage and potential areas for improvement. This type of strategy serves as a foundation for making informed decisions regarding energy efficiency measures and on-site energy generation initiatives.


The workshops are organized into five main modules
What does success look like
- Size of the problem
- Solutions
- Implementation
- Financing

Each of these modules will feed content into the “Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategy” (IGS).

In parallel with each of the workshops, we must pay close attention to data, the sources, processes and governance. Trustable data is key to the analyses and KPI’s that are the cornerstone of the Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategy. As such, we will include a discussion of information management, governance and process throughout each of the workshops.


The diagram below outlines the structure of the ‘Actualizing NetZero’ program workshops and how they collectively build the strategy.


Throughout the program, we will be developing the Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategy using the “IGS Canvas” which pulls together all the components needed to support financial investment in an energy project.


While some modules have pre-requisites, the journey through this canvas does not need to be linear. Depending on the interests of the participants, we can move through the canvas story in different ways.

Program Curriculum

The program is broken down into 12 monthly workshops and will result in the development of the Investment Grade Energy and Carbon Strategy. 

Workshop 1: Energy Objectives & KPI’s

Workshop 2: Problem: Energy Costs & Information Management

Workshop 3: Problem: Energy Consumption & Emissions Sources

Workshop 4: Solutions: Technology Solutions

Workshop 5: Solutions: Micro Grids

Workshop 6: Establishing the Baseline

Workshop 7: Energy and Carbon Strategies

Workshop 8: Identifying Solutions 

Workshop 9: Implementation Plan 

Workshop 10: Building the Ecosystem & Partners

Workshop 11: Financing Options 

Workshop 12: Tracking Value

If interested in learning more, contact us here

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